$122.21 $284.21
11 in stock
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N***a –
Нормально жужит )
Customer –
Made my wife wetter then an Otters Pocket
Customer –
pleasant. I like layers of depth and movement which makes this adjustable for any size.
E***C –
Très bien pensé et conçu.. vraiment très efficace
Customer –
Received quickly, packaged well. Product seems very good! Thanks
Customer –
D***n –
excellent toy! very deep, rumbly vibrations. very silky smooth silicone. photos won’t upload, but feels excellent quality, 4 times the price I paid. small enough to use for double penetration, powerful enough for solo play. love it! 😄👍
D***n –
excellent toy! very deep, rumbly vibrations. very silky smooth silicone. photos won’t upload, but feels excellent quality, 4 times the price I paid. small enough to use for double penetration, powerful enough for solo play. love it! ????????
김***윤 –
모양 그대로
Customer –
the product arrived very quickly from China within 10 days of ordering. The external bag wrapping and internal boxing were discrete. She enjoys how the product provides pleasure on both fronts. I hope that the tight spring action of the snail arm will loosen a little over time. Also, you cannot separately control the two vibrating motors. They are either both on or both off and they share the same selected vibration intensity. After seeing video reviews of a forerunner product of this type, the forerunner design apparently had independent motor controls. This version does not appear to have that feature, unless there is a trick to it.
광***아 –
???? ????
Customer –
let’s just say you need to forget about owning a rabbit, and look to snails 🤭. Lady friend hit 3 ‘O’s’ with this as we played. Delivered quick too 👍👍👍👍
Customer –
let’s just say you need to forget about owning a rabbit, and look to snails ????. Lady friend hit 3 ‘O’s’ with this as we played. Delivered quick too ????????????????
y***n –
Customer –
not bad bought it for the mrs but the depth isnt great if your used to someone longer it might be a bit short for you good but not great itd probably be great if youre not too fussed about depth tho
Customer –
looks good!!