Male Resin Chastity Device,Cock Cage V3 With 4 Size Penis Ring,Cock Ring,Adult Game,Chastity Belt,A380
4.25 (8 Reviews)
Sku: 2251832723807401


26 in stock

30-day return guarantee policy

Free shipping to most countries

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Note:100% Resin material, resin has the characteristics of expanding with heat and contracting with cold.

If the received item presents the following situations, such as deformation, unfitness of ring and cage, just soak this item in the hot water for about two minutes and then it will be normal, which is the feature of the resin, not the quality issue of this item.

1 set with 4 Ring,Inner diameter:36mm,40mm,45mm and 50mm

Male Resin Chastity Device,Cock Cage V3 With 4 Size Penis Ring,Cock Ring,Adult Game,Chastity Belt,A380Male Resin Chastity Device,Cock Cage V3 With 4 Size Penis Ring,Cock Ring,Adult Game,Chastity Belt,A380Male Resin Chastity Device,Cock Cage V3 With 4 Size Penis Ring,Cock Ring,Adult Game,Chastity Belt,A380Male Resin Chastity Device,Cock Cage V3 With 4 Size Penis Ring,Cock Ring,Adult Game,Chastity Belt,A380Male Resin Chastity Device,Cock Cage V3 With 4 Size Penis Ring,Cock Ring,Adult Game,Chastity Belt,A380Male Resin Chastity Device,Cock Cage V3 With 4 Size Penis Ring,Cock Ring,Adult Game,Chastity Belt,A380Male Resin Chastity Device,Cock Cage V3 With 4 Size Penis Ring,Cock Ring,Adult Game,Chastity Belt,A380

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Customer Reviews (8)

  1. Customer


  2. Customer

    пришел быстро, по товару с наружи качество огонь, все подошло, из минусов ОСТРЫЕ края на крепеже кольцо, будьте осторожны когда просовываете свои гениталии!! и огромным минусом для меня является то, что писать нормально в этой моделе невозможно, отверстие плохо совпадает с мочеиспукательным каналом, моча льется по яичкам!! рекомендую чисто для сессионного использования и ношения дома

  3. Customer

    Все хорошо

  4. Customer

    даже больше, чем ожидали

  5. Customer

    Хорошая, качественная клетка, замок хорошо входит и выходит. Клетка легко закрывается. Это моя первая клетка, достаточно тяжело было упаковать в нее себя, при эрекции выглядит не очень эстетично. Единственный недостаток, она вся в каком-то машинном масле которое я оттирал моющим средством и спиртом, поэтому не рекомендую.

  6. Customer

    ходить в джинсах, в трико на улице, совершенно не видно!

  7. Customer

    жесткий и зарапает

  8. Customer

    After several different cages in the past years I pfrefer this one. I can do everything with it like Mountainbiking etc.. I am wearing it 24/7 for a year now and I am satiesfied with it. The years before I had several other cages, but this is my cleasr recommondation for regular male longterm chastity. I reworked the sharp edges of the ring and softetd it.

Shipping & Returns

Return Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.

If you need to return something, just log in to your account, use the “Order” link under the “My Account” menu to view your corresponding order, and then click the “Return” button, or contact [email protected] to communicate directly about the return. Once we receive your return request, we will immediately verify whether the situation is eligible for return and notify you.

Please ensure that the address provided when placing the order is correct and that you can receive the package. If the package is returned due to address issues, you will be responsible for both the shipping and return costs.


You should expect to receive your refund within four weeks of giving your package to the return shipper, however, in many cases you will receive a refund more quickly. This time period includes the transit time for us to receive your return from the shipper (5 to 10 business days), the time it takes us to process your return once we receive it (3 to 5 business days), and the time it takes your bank to process our refund request (5 to 10 business days).

  • If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again.
  • Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.
  • Next contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.
  • If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at {[email protected]}.

Shipping Policy

Order processing time

Most orders will be shipped within 1 to 3 business days, while orders to remote countries or regions are typically shipped within 10 business days.

Once your order ships, you will receive an email with appropriate tracking information. You can also log in to your account and click on the corresponding order to view it. We have overseas warehouses in many countries around the world. According to statistics, the average delivery time for most customers is 5-15 days, and the delivery time for customers in remote areas is 15-60 days.

Methods and Prices of Shipping Available

Since we are targeting global market areas, we are unable to provide accurate shipping methods in real time due to geographical location, policies and other reasons. If you need to know or specify the shipping method, shipping methods vary by region, please contact [email protected] to inquire.

We cooperate with many express companies at home and abroad: UPS, FedEx, DHL, TNT, EMS, etc.

Regarding shipping costs, we basically implement a free shipping policy for most countries. For areas where free shipping is not available, the corresponding shipping costs will be displayed on the order page.

Male Resin Chastity Device,Cock Cage V3 With 4 Size Penis Ring,Cock Ring,Adult Game,Chastity Belt,A380 $51.72
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